We want to highlight some of the organisations we are part of / partner with*.
Understanding who we are working with will give you the opportunity to find out more about them and think about supporting them, whether that be financial support, prayer support or some other practical support. Here are some of the organisations that we work with:
City Church Preston is an Assemblies of God GB church, we are registered with them and partner with AOG in furthering the Kingdom of God.
A Rocha UK
A Christian environmental charity helping the church in the UK to care for the environment.
Central African Missions (CAM)
Started by members of this church, CAM continues to support missions work in many countries across central Africa. Their head office is still in Preston and a number of our church members are former missionaries, and/or current/former trustees.
Light of the Gospel Ministries (Sasha & Sara Vitakic)
Working in and from Kraljevo, Serbia, Sasha and Sara are sharing the light of the gospel in eastern Europe, which has very few believers.
Hope Centre, Buenavista
John and Maya Appleyard support a number of churches in the Philippines. They split their time between the UK and the Philippines. You will often find fundraising activities happening in church - small amounts make a big difference, particularly in the prisons ministry they are involved with.
Mercy UK
Undertaking life-changing work through the Freedom Programme, seeing people freed from life-controlling issues.
Diverse Church
Diverse Church is a supportive community of young LGBT+ Christians in UK evangelical churches. They aim to be a pastoral/mission resource for the wider church so that young LGBT+ people do not give up on God or life.
Open Doors
We are concerned for our siblings in Christ around the world, and through the work of Open Doors we maintain prayerful awareness of their plight, seeking justice and freedom for them.
FareShare UK
City Church Preston is a member of FareShare, which allows us to access surplus food items and re-distribute them across the local community through our monthly foodmarket.
*Where links are provided to external organisations, City Church Preston is not liable for the content on these websites, nor should content on external websites be construed as the position of City Church Preston.